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POOLEworks Blithering
2000 to 2009
Added Fat Album to the blog
aka… control freak
Almost a month later and I’m still at a loss for words.
Beth’s Breast Cancer Walk
Birthday Dog! George is 11!
Bob’s not well
Break a mirror, get no luck
By the light of mom’s headlights
College art
College Art
Conversation at a bar mitzvah
Countries I’ve visited.
Creepy Sales Pitch
Doing an exhibit of photos.
Exhibit subject decided.
Project ready to roll.
Friday. Poor Grace. And Saturday. Sad Grace.
Going rogue. Why not look it up before using for a marketing brand?
Gotta New Puppy…
Grabbed from cameronmoll
Grace gets her CD
Grace sings
Grandkids and Grace
Had a hole in one!
Hand and Arrow Icon
Hi, my name is George and I like to roll in things.
How the Pooles do a Christmas tree.
How we see the future / missing the small stuff.
I had a hole in one AGAIN?!
I’ve been terrible at updating this.
Last day videos.
Little man running
Little man working
Lumpy Back Bones
Memories of George. Originally written in 2010.
Mom on my Birthday
Mom’s Birthday
My FOG book
Myra Jane Poole
Our first day with Grace
Pain. Excruciating pain.
Photojojo’s Photo Time Capsule
Exhibit subject decided.
Project ready to roll.
Doing an exhibit of photos.
Memories of George. Originally written in 2010.
We’ve lost George. We’ve gained Henri. The world is painful sometimes with happy turns.
Seven years on flickr!
Gotta New Puppy…
Last day videos.
Almost a month later and I’m still at a loss for words.
My FOG book
I had a hole in one AGAIN?!
Had a hole in one!
Going rogue. Why not look it up before using for a marketing brand?
Conversation at a bar mitzvah
May 2017
Posted on
May 19, 2017
September 15, 2017
Motivation from the internet.
Posted on
May 19, 2017
September 15, 2017
Inspirational thought from an English Proverb